
Hi there. My name’s Antonio, and I’m the sole writer behind Syeta Stories. Syeta Stories is the name under which I gather all my fictional writing.

I’ve been writing for a long time, fiction writing being my favorite. Although technical and copywriting brings the money, fiction is where the love is.

My story of choice in writing is short-form – flash fiction, short stories, poems, and even novels but in a brief format, where each chapter is like a TV show episode.

In chronological sync with me growing up, my favorite writers are Franz Kafka, George Orwell, Anton Chekhov, and Kurt Vonnegut. All other great writers and novels manifest around those four – from Mark Twain to Viktor Pelevin.

Also, dystopian stories and sci-fi have a special place in my heart. But never enough that I could join a sci-fi enthusiast club.

While I write course scripts, page copies, and marketing copies by day, I write fiction by… whenever there’s time and energy to spare.

Here, you’ll find short stories that are often existential stories combined with comedy. I prefer that mix since it’s not conventional. Existential fiction is often dreadful and comedy is everything and nothing and once.

Some of my favorite books (below are affiliate links and I might get a small commission if you buy a book by using the links):

I hope you’ll enjoy what you discover on Syeta Stories. Here are some stories to start: