Stories for adults

  • About What God Did When They Found Out Nietzsche Wrote: “God is Dead. Part 1”

    About What God Did When They Found Out Nietzsche Wrote: “God is Dead. Part 1”

    “Ok sir, it’s time for the annual report for the year 1882 AD.” Jim said. Although having what you and I would call a regular human name, Jim was everything but a human. Jim wasn’t even his name, and he wasn’t a he or she; Jim was simply something. The only reason I’m calling him…

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  • About Marianne and the Anguish of Being a Higher Being

    About Marianne and the Anguish of Being a Higher Being

    Humanity has gone through a lot – from the first human who didn’t know what will happen if you touch fire to that one guy who knew what will happen if you drop an atomic bomb. But each one of these moments moved us one step to being what we are now, no matter how.…

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  • About Rene and his Attempt to Give Body to His Mind

    About Rene and his Attempt to Give Body to His Mind

    If you’d ask any of Rene’s neighbors to describe Rene you’d most likely get the same answer. 75-year-old Mr. Ross who was living right next to Rene would often say in his overly loud and elderly voice while smacking his lips:”Ahh, yes, Rene, that weird motherfucker.” Mr. Ross wasn’t very picky with words, but you…

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